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A True Love Story between a dog and a cat

Pet Painting Canvas Classes

Sally Cat came to our family 11 years ago.

The whole family went to the Long Beach Animal Shelter and fell in love. She was an only pet adored by everyone in the house. She got all the toys, attentions and treats.

Enter Seamus Dog.

Just a year later the family adopted this obnoxious golden retriever puppy, we called Seamus. For a bit, the attention shifted to the new furry addition to our family. Some cats would see this as the enemy has arrived, but not Sally. She saw it as an opportunity. New beds to sleep in, more toys to play with, extra food to feed upon and a safe way to really explore the neighborhood.

I'm not really sure when the first adventure began, but Sally began to stealthily follow Seamus and the family on our walks. Dogs would bark crazily. Birds would swoop down at her, aiming at Sally while protecting their young. Neighbors would exclaim, "Did you know there's a cat following you?" and we would we just reply, "Yep, they are best friends."

When teenagers would try to pet or pick up the "stray cat" (she never allowed us to put a collar on her neck), my husband would simply say "Uh... I wouldn't do that. She's with him, don't mess with her." As he pointed to the Seamus. Other dogs bark rabidly in jealous fits, cause who wouldn't want Sally Cat as a best friend. Of course the hubby points out, they just want to eat her. But, still,nobody messes with Sally Cat on our walks. Seamus makes sure of that.

They sleep together, play together, and Seamus makes sure to leave a little bit of his breakfast left over for her. And Sally Cat can be spotted giving him some well needed back massages. It's probably why we fall in love with our pets. Each one is so special, but when you have more than one, the bonds they make are magical.

During our Paint your Pet nights, we hear the funniest and cutest stories of how your pets have won over your hearts. Being an art teacher for over 25 years, I have mastered the kilss of breaking down the hardest of canvas subjects into easy values and colors.

You'll learn how to easily turn your photographs of your adorable pets into amazing paintings that you will love. We make sure you will have an easy, enjoyable and successful experience painting your pet. Even my 15 year old daughter has attended these nights, and painted our beloved Seamus. See if you can spot him in the gallery below.

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