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Planner or Procrastinator? Which one are you?

When the kids were younger we always "vacayed" at Grandma's pool and beach with the cousins. They lived upstate so we all looked forward to the long stay. It was pure quality family time filled with extra long beach days, Marco Polo in the pool, watermelon and cantaloupe snacks, fireworks, surf camps and sun kissed skin. But it wasn't easy trying to figure out which weeks in the summer we could make this magic happen.

You see... my sister is a planner and I'm a... procrastinator.

What does that mean? Well, there is a certain mindset when you live in a beach town. We kind of live on beach time. There's no need to make a lot of plans in the summer. We wake up and see what the weather is like. Are we riding the bikes on the boards today? Setting up our beach site and listening to the waves as our kids body surf the waves? Or do we pack up the kids and head to the movies or the children's museum?

Each year my sister would call me in February about summer plans. Yes, I said February! She has already got her weekly camps for my nephews planned out, and wants to know if we can do this week or that week?

Me... I'm like, Huh? What? She starts calling our local surf camps, and they too are like... huh? what? She has her credit cards out and is ready to make payments. Me... ok. I'm not use to this mindset. But I know how important sister and cousin time is, so I commit, even though I have no idea what the weather will be like on those weeks.

So if you are a procrastinator, like me, hears a little heads up. Summer camp is just 2 weeks away. Our Morning art camp is filling up real fast. "Under the Sea" is SOLD OUT, Wizarding World has 1 seat left, and most are more then half way filled. Do NOT wait, these camps are really limited on space.

And, for those who like to sleep late, or are looking to turn the Parks and Rec morning camp to a fun full day adventure, you can register your children for our Afternoon Art camp at the recreation center. These sessions are also filling up, we will have to put a cap on it this summer, to keep quality art instruction safe and fun for everyone.

We HATE to say no, even if you are a fellow procrastinator. Just look how easy we make it! You can sign up for both our morning camp and afternoon camp online. ( a procrastinators dream!)

Don't let all the planners have all the fun,

Michelle Kelly

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