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True Confessions of a Working Mom

I never took a picture of my kid's first day of school. Not once.

I never even took off from work for their first day of kindergarten, which I'm sure I'm either going to hell for or pay for in years of therapy. To be honest, remember, true confessions... I secretly love the first day of school.


The summer mommy cruise director role is over!


No more planning cool day trips, or long weekends. Or Spontaneous trips to the city. No more packing up way more then we need for the beach, then renting a U-haul to get it there. No more summer reading assignments, which have now turned into pages of summer world history homework. Call me the grinch of summer ending, but I am all ready to get back to routine of back to school. Afternoon activities? bring it! Extra curricular sports,Yes! Even homework routines, feels easier then the last endless days of summer.

So here's to your Pumpkin Latte', or glass of Merlot ;)

Cheers to an amazing school year for you and your family. And I must thank you for sharing all your first day of school photos on facebook. It's wonderful to see our Earth Arts family enjoying back to school.

We are recharging the battery, we've got a lot of plannning to do, for both our families. Because summer will be back. For now...

Hello Fall y'all!

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Very Truthfully Yours,

Tim and Michelle Kelly


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