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No Talent Needed...ever

We get a lot of Questions here at Earth Arts. These are just a few of our more popular Questions asked by our customers...

Customer: I have absolutely no talent. There is no way I can do any of the workshops let alone Paint Your Own Pottery in your store. (as they look at the many samples on our shelves)

Michelle: This is DEFINITELY the most popular statement made at Earth Arts. I love to prove all these people wrong. When we first considered opening our art studio, Tim and I hired a consultant to learn the business end of the "art business". Due to my years in teaching art, I already new most of the art part of the business. Little did I know, there was so much more for me to learn. I found so many new and exciting techniques that would make a 3 year old let alone a 33 year old succeed in our store. When creating samples of pottery before we opened, our consultant told us to have our friends and family come in and paint with us. This was an incredible experience. We had friends, moms, dads, 4 year olds and even expert artists join us to create a variety of samples to share with our customers. Most of who knew absolutely nothing about painting pottery. We even had our friend's niece put our non-toxic glaze on her lips and make kiss marks all over a piggy bank. Everyone walked away happy, successful and buzzing about the positive experience they just had. A couple of days later, we opened our kiln and we were blown away with the beautiful pottery that all these people learned how to create from us. Yes, us! We know how to keep it simple. Whether it's paint your own pottery, a canvas class or a brand new workshop trending this summer. It's all about the experience you are having at Earth Arts. We are going to walk you through whatever it is so you can buzz about your new skills and success at Earth Arts. BTW: You Never Need An Appointment To Paint Your Own Pottery

Customer: My child is only 4 but it says your children classes are for ages 5 and up. Can they still attend?

Michelle: Our children's art classes and workshops are usually one-two hours. Every child's attention span and fine motor co-ordination develop at different rates. We never want an individual to take too much time from our instructors so that the other children are suffering. But we do respect your judgement. Who knows your child best, but you! We are always willing to offer a trial period if a child is younger than the specified age requirements. We can refund your payment or offer you future store credit if it doesn't work out. And we try really hard to make it work out. Our classes are continually filled with smiley happy children. Earth Arts summer morning art camp is the perfect opportunity for your child to try small and intimate art classes at our store.

Customer: Do you do custom work or special order pottery for your customers?

Michelle: ABSOLUTELY! One of our first requests when we opened in 2010, was an anniversary platter of Gustav Klimt's "The Kiss". Since then we have done favors for weddings, birthday mugs, and even a wedding platter for a special bride and groom. All our samples that have been created by our staff are for sale as well. We will send our customers to our suppliers site for ideas, or you can browse their catalogues in our store. My grandma use to always say, "Just ask, what's the worse they can say?" We say yes 99.9% of the time! Just send us an email, we will do our best to accomodate your needs.

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