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Chocolate is Salad

Hi, my name is Michelle and I'm a chocoholic.

I will believe almost anything about chocolate. It's my go-to feel good food. The more research I do the more I am convinced that I should NOT give up on my theory that chocolate makes EVERYTHING better. Here's a few facts I did find, although most are related to Dark Chocolate, which is my chocolate of choice. Dark chocolate has much higher levels of polyphenols and cacao flavanol epicatechin. Yes, I through in some of those big science terms, to defend my chocolate theory. This is not to say, I don't occasionally indulge in some milk or white chocolate.

Some of the magical things these chemicals naturally found in chocolate can do for you?

1. Mood Booster: Activates those positive mood transimiters in our brains, like seratonin, dopamine, and endorphins. It also provides energy, which can improve cognitive function.

2. Appetite Suppressant: This compliments my theory that I'll believe almost anything about my chocolate companion, but research has shown, that flavanoids found in dark chocolate can reduce your appetite. My breakfast smoothie is going to change starting tomorrow ;)

3. Anti-oxidants: The Buzz word of the decade. Another research study proved that chocolate helped maintain healthy inflamation levels and insulin levels in mice.

4. Healthy Glowing Skin: Chocolate with high levels of flavanoids has been shown to regulate healthy blood flow and Glowing skin! Who doesn't want healthier skin?

These are some real scientific reasons you should join us for our DEATH BY CHOCOLATE Night out. After our fact finding search, we should probably renamed it to Life by chocolate, even though this night feels so sinfully delicious.

What do you get? A whole lot of Chocolate!

We break out the chocolate fountain, with lots of unique dipping foods (no we are not dipping salad). We also get some delicious chocolate delights from our local bakery shops, cause it also feels good to support our local businesses, especially our chocolate businesses.

This night fills up, so call your friends and make your reservation ASAP for our July 21st chocolate event. All chocolate is complimentary, all you pay for is the pottery you choose to paint that evening.

And remember, what happens at Chocolate Night, stays at Chocolate Night.

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