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Secret places to find inspiration

Secret places to find Inspiration Every artist has a different source for inspiration. And while we all create differently, we tend to go back to the same reliable places when our canvases remain blank. The biggest reason I can't create is because I am unable to turn off the daily chatter in my head. Sometimes it's the stress of work, or a family argument. These tricks help me quiet the stress and get back to creating. Use them however you'd like in your creative tasks, or just to clear your head. 1.Take a Hike, literary. A long walk, always brings new ideas and colors into my art. Everyday I walk across the 3 bridges in my neighborhood, the canals. I'm amazed at the gardens, or a perfectly made web, and I'm still waiting to spot the swans with their new babies. My husband told me there are 6 new cygnets (name for baby swans) in our neighborhood. 2. Listen to Music. This is another go-to source for me. Certain songs bring me back in time, and I love to turn on certain "radios" on my phone apps. They introduce me to new musical artists all the time. My latest Pandora Radio station is "Leon Bridges Radio". We always have music playing at Earth Arts for this same reason. It helps our customers relax and enjoy the experience. 3. Look at Child Art. Children create with such simplicity. They are not intimidated or filled with preconceived notions. They draw how they see the world. Our staff are always posting pictures on our social media of amazing child art from our classes. They have the best imaginations. If your child is searching for a creative summer, we have some great opportunities too. 4. Doodle, or stream of consciousness. I call this the "NIKE" way. JUST DO IT! These are the easiest ways to break writers or artists block. Do it everyday, whether you like it or not, kinda like exercise. Journals and sketchbooks are key players in mastering skills and creating new ideas. There are no rules here, no judgements, it's only for you. Google some sketchbook prompts, or try this list out. 5. Collaborate with other Artists. Working in isolation can often harm and stunt artistic growth. Take a class , or create a community project that will get you out of your hole, and into the sunshine, so to speak. I am very lucky to teach art. I'm privy to all sorts of new ideas and inspiration from my students, colleagues, staff and customers. And I try very hard to share all this creativity with you. Come and create with us today, and everyday this summer. Starting tomorrow our summer hours begin, and we are open 7 days a week. You never need an appointment to paint pottery, and we have a lot of samples, books and staff to share ideas with. Our summer classes and art camps are all online for easy registration. Join us for some creative and collaborative art time. There's something for everyone. Happy Summer! ~Tim and Michelle Kelly Share Via: Check out my website

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