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I Hated Summer Camp

Well, most of it anyhow.

My parents sent me away to sleep away camp at age 5. Their rationale, "Your older sister was there to watch over you". She was 8. They weren't bad people, in fact most people admired and loved being around my parents. I just was a bit too young to fully embrace the sleep away camp idea.

What did camp teach me? Definitey creative writing. I wrote dozens of letters to my parents to come pick me up. They weren't very effective, but hey, I was 5! I learned how to properly clean a bunk, and how to cooperate and collaborate with others. Made lots of friends. Horseback riding, waterskiing, swimming and sailing, were some of the essential skills we took home with us. I learned how to make "fudge" with Nestle Quik mix and water. I also learned to become independent and very resillient. Some of these skills came in handy, when I backpacked after college.

As you send your camper off to their summer camps this week, whether it is a day camp or a sleep away experience, just know everything is going to be alright. They are going to make some great new friends and learn some amazing skills.

If your child is still at home, playing with their fidget spinners, there's still time to register for our camps. Whether its all about painting, or a week at Hogwarts Wizard camp, we have something for each child. 8 weeks of creative fun!

If they are already enrolled in camp, check out our

AFTER Camp programs. These events meet after 5pm and on weekends. And, week 9 and week 10 registration start real soon. Stay tuned.

Adult Camp activities can be found here:

Our First week at summer camp was AAAHHMAAZING!

Happy Summer 2017 we're off to a great start.


Michelle and the creative crew at Earth Arts

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