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Life is Messy

Last night I finally saw them.

The swans and their 6 baby cygnets. Seamus and I were on our nightly dog walk through the canals, and their they were. On someone's dock, all cuddling in for the night. The babies were snuggling together for warmth and security. Momma and Poppa swan were cleaning their babies tail feathers.

I was so excited to see them again this morning, I made the dog do a few sprints to the last canal bridge. I had missed them. The dock was deserted. Then I noticed the beautiful mess they left behind. The dock covered with dirty feathers and feces. At first I was disgusted, but then I realized, we always notice the beauty in certain things, but never the mess they create.

Then the other A-Ha moment kicked in. Artists, and art teachers notice the beauty and the mess it takes to create it. We know how important the mess is to get to the beauty. Our customers are always trying to clean up in our store. We are always telling people, we love to clean up, it's part of your creating experience. Parents always want to know if we have smocks. Most of our paint, which is ceramic glaze, doesn't stain, comes off super easy. You can use every brush in our caddies, some people do, and we clean them all, for you!

We want our studio to be a comfort zone, a place to get messy and create beauty. We love the smile on your child's face when we tell them, don't worry about the table. We clean them every day. No stress about the clean up. Earth Arts is a place to inspire, learn and create beautiful art.

And, in case you didn't know, We JUST added two additional weeks of summer camp for the kids.

Our New Monday Manga Cartooning Workshop starts this Monday:

All our summer programs have rolling enrollment. As long as there is space, you can sign up now.

All our camps, workshops and monthly events can be found on our website:

Come get messy this week! We are open on Saturday 11-7pm, Sunday and Monday 12-5pm, and Tuesday-Friday 12-7pm

Messily yours,

~Michelle and Tim Kelly

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